Wednesday, June 20, 2012

new poem by brigade member John Curl


Overturn a brand new leaf
leaf through a dog-eared book
book the d.a. for felony graft
graft a plum branch onto a peach root
root out the causes of social strife
strive toward revelatory visions
envision the end of bureaucratic dictators
dictate a hundred songs about love
love the work you live
live for wholeness and light
light the fires of forgiveness
forgive the failings of your parents
parent your children to interconnections
interconnect compassion to your world
world consciousness overturns.
Over turning privatized commons
spurning career politicians
churning ownership patents
burning corporate papers
turning over unjust laws.
Now all things American overturn.
Seamstresses unravel socks
carpenters nail their hammers
omelets flip themselves over
houses balance on their roof ridges
tree roots stretch into the air
cumulous clouds billow into back yards
senior execs pull each others’ comb-overs
FBI agents bug each others’ phones
patrol officers club each other over the head
incumbent officeholders change their names
the president’s cabinet put on false mustaches
Chamber of Commerce stuffs a brown paper bag
Secretary of the Interior hides in the closet
head of the SEC slips through the airport in drag
board chairmen arrive in the Cayman Islands
all the payoffs of all the corporate lobbyists
can’t buy a jelly sandwich
citizens declare the two-party system under
arrest for impersonating democracy.
Over turning privatized commons
spurning career politicians
churning ownership patents
burning corporate papers
turning over unjust laws.
Now all things American overturn.

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